Wednesday 6 November 2013

Raspberry pi fake access point

I was messing around with creating my own access point script with sslstrip, airbase-ng, dhcp-server etc. The idea is that I can run the script from my ssh session via my phone. I wanted to tail the sslstrip and see the results as they came in. The problem arose when I started airbase-ng it would just hang and not follow through with the rest of the script. Thats when I discovered screen. Im sure there may be better ways to tackle this but this solution worked for me :)
I found that if I started 4 seperate screen sessions and then in my script, specify commands to send to these screens using screen -p 2 -X stuff 'airbase-ng -e Wifi -c 9 mon0 it worked. I can now jump to the different screens to see whats happening.
I've added in a quick command with tshark to record and http.get on at0. It then records to a file.

You can jump between windows by using ctrl + a, and then ctrl + window number
You can also check the currently open windows by using ctrl + a, then ctrl + w.
You'll see in the bottom left corner the open screens.
screen --help for more commands

I made a second script to stop everything.